Ultralight Outdoor Gear was founded to provide backpackers with real choice when it comes to their gear and to present more information than is available elsewhere about each piece of kit. We use as much of the gear as we can and tell our online visitors honestly what we think. The stuff we don’t have time to use gets examined at our offices and we give our verdict on it all, product by product.
You’ll also find articles about backpacking routes around the world, the latest gear technology, how to choose products from the wide ranges available and other useful articles on subjects like food, winter backpacking, essential kit etc.
We are passionate about backpacking, especially in wild places.
Go to www.ultralightoutdoorgear.co.uk to find out more

Established as Anquet Maps in 2001, Outdoor Map Navigator has provided a digital mapping platform to outdoor enthusiasts for over twenty years.
The desktop and mobile apps provide access to the latest OS 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 maps. Routes can be created and edited on desktop or mobile devices, exported as GPX files, stored in Anquet’s cloud and synced to other devices. Users can download maps for use without an internet connection. The mobile apps also show your current position, including a grid reference, and allow tracklogs to be recorded.

The Great Outdoors is the UK’s longest-established hiking magazine. We have been inspiring people to explore wild places for more than 40 years.
Through compelling writing, beautifully illustrated stories and eye-catching content, across a range of platforms, we seek to convey the joy of adventure, the thrill of mountainous and wild environments, and the wonder of the natural world. We’re here to help you make the most of your time in the hills and mountains.
As well as stunning photography and top class writing, we are famous for the rigour of our gear reviews. Our reviewers are the country’s most experienced team of testers – including world-renowned backpacking experts and long-distance walker, Chris Townsend – and we always ensure gear is put through its paces in challenging mountainous environments. Our essential skills advice is written by top outdoor instructors, guides and experts.
Our roster of contributors ranges from established outdoor writers and authors to younger, up and coming voices who reflect a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts.