Enter the TGO Challenge

Entries for TGOC25 will open on 21st September for those who are guaranteed a 2025 place and at noon on 5th October for everyone else. The entry fee will be £110 per person.

Step 1: Check your skills

Before entering the TGO Challenge you should have the following skills:

  • Ability to navigate across pathless rugged terrain using digital or analogue map and compass – not be solely reliant on GPS.
  • Ability to carry personal and camping equipment and a minimum of 3 days provisions.
  • Previous experience of backpacking including ‘no trace’ camping in a wild environment with no facilities. One of these trips need to be in the last few years and at least 3 nights long walking at least 20km (can be shorter if over rough ground or significant ascent) between camps whilst carrying a full pack.
  • Capacity to be self-sufficient in remote areas where help may not be easily accessible including suitable first aid skills.
  • Be able to assess and deal with adverse weather (wind, rain and occasionally snow and excessive heat) and have the ability to assess and, when appropriate, safely cross unbridged river/burns in spate.

All team members, not just the team leader, must have these skills. If you are uncertain about your skills please contact the coordinators, Mick, Sue & Ali, for advice on 07786 628105 / 07769 952085 or email tgochallenge@gmail.com.

Step 2: Read the Terms and Conditions

Even if you have completed multiple crossings, please read the Terms and Conditions before you apply as some things will have changed.  In particular please take note of the withdrawal and cancellation clauses.   We try to keep rules to a minimum, but you must agree to abide by those we have. You will be asked to confirm you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions at the end of Entry Form.  The Event Details giving advice on how to plan and present your route.

The links currently go through to the TGOC24 documents. TGOC25 versions will be available in September.

Step 3: Complete the Entry Form

If this will be your first Challenge, you will be asked for details of your walking experience which the coordinators will assess.  If you have entered before, but not yet completed a crossing, you still need to provide this information in full again. Very occasionally we have to ask new applicants to gain more experience before participating. If you are part of a group, you will be asked for the names of your companions and your group leader so the Coordinators can put you into a team. Each team member must complete their own form.

Entries will open on:

  • 23rd September for those with guaranteed places. This include vetters, volunteers, Challengers planning their 10th, 20th or 30th crossings. Anyone in these groups will be invited to apply by email. Any walking partners may also apply at this time.
  • 5th October at noon (BST) for everyone else on a first-come-first-served basis.

The entry fee of £110 per person will be requested (where relevant) during the entry process. Anyone the Coordinators assess as not having suitable skills or experience will be refunded promptly and fully. Once the 400 paid places are filled any further entrants will be given the chance to go on the reserve list.

Once entries open on you will be able to access the entry form via the button below.